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Home / Insurance / Reasons why your application for landlord insurance being refused again and again

Reasons why your application for landlord insurance being refused again and again


Landlord insurance is important not just in order to protect your land but there are lots of other things that you get too.  There are lots of benefits that you will get if you running a small business.  Along with that, landlord insurance is having tons of another bright side that can help you in making your business profitable too. But sometimes, people submit their application but they face rejection. Well if you are going for the same thing then here are a few things that you must know so you don’t have to face the rejection again and again.

# The property is empty

There are lots of options such as Towergate Landlord Insurance where you can check for your insurance. However, there are sometimes when you have to understand a few clauses that come under insurance policies. Well, one of the rules says that if your property is not occupied for 45 days or more than you will not get the covered.

# The design of the flat and house is not standard

At the time of buying policy, it’s important to check if your house comes under the standard design or not. It mostly includes that your walls as well the bricks are tiled or not. Not just that, there are lots of other points that considered for making your house standard construction.

# The renovation work is major

Well, the coverage supports some limited amount of renovation work only.  There are different options that you get where you the limit can exceed but still, you will get one. However, most of the coverage can support enough so the shabby looking property can turn sharp at least.

# the application is rejected before

However it’s one of the most frustrating reasons but in case your application was refused earlier, the insurer filter out the high-risk customers before.  Not just that, because of this the application face rejection, again and again,

# the history is not good or faulty

Along with all reasons, your past history also turns as one of the factors that can affect the application. In case, you have been recorded as bankrupt or have anything issued against you then the insurers will turn the application down.  However, there are some insurers which also provide the insurance even if you had any ad records previously. But it depends on you to look out for everything before you reapply so you don’t have to face anything again.

# the property is sublet

Well, it basically means that the tenants you rented out the property are sharing the space to subtenants.  Because of which your landlord insurance is turned void. So even if you are the landlord but still you will be not able to get the insurance you make the claim.

# the property is not secured

Security is one of the reason because of which most of the insurance got canceled.  If your property is lacking in this section then your applicator can get rejected too.

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